Returning to LEVEL 2
February 15th, 2021
All of us at Upper Hutt Health Centre want to say thank you to all of you for your ongoing patience and cooperation during the return to level two, this is due to the community outbreak in Auckland.
This means we should keep 2m apart from each other, wash and dry our hands and sneeze and cough into elbows. If you have cold and flu symptoms, please stay home and ring Healthline (0800 358 5453) for advice on being tested.
You may be offered a COVID-19 test. Please say Yes To The Test, the test is free. Continue to keep track of where you have been by using the NZ Tracer app.
We request that you only call the medical centre if you have a need we can assist you with directly. We are experiencing large numbers of phone calls so please be patient if you are calling us.
If a face to face consultation is what is best for you, we have measures in place that this can be done safely.
Consultations with your Doctor may also be held over the phone or on video and these will be chargeable.
All prescriptions can be sent directly to your pharmacy so make sure you let us know who your pharmacy is when ordering.
If you are leaving an order on our script line remember to include who your pharmacy is so we can send the script directly there for you pick up.
This is a great time to join Manage My Health so you can order scripts and see your results online.
At level 2 – How you can help us keep everyone safe
You can also help us with this by:
- Avoiding unnecessary trips to the medical centre
- Calling us before you coming in
- Answering our screening questions as you enter the building; we are actively not letting people into the medical centre without screening for COVID symptoms, please be kind to the staff doing this screening, it is to keep us all safe
- Arriving for your appointment at the time arranged; this helps us keep the number of people in the waiting room to a minimum, with social distancing recommended by the Ministry of Health
- Not queuing outside the medical centre, respect the 2 metre rule to keep us all safe.