Frequently asked questions

How will I be notified of my test results?

We don’t notify patients with normal results. Notification of abnormal results will be via phone, Vensa email or letter. Patients using Vensa can view their results online.

We also send text messages to ask patients to ring us about their results if there is something we need to discuss.

How does your feedback process work?

If you have something to say about your experience with us, you can say it here.

Your answers to a few brief questions will help us improve our service to you and our other patients.

Your response is confidential and anonymous, however, you have the option to provide your contact details if you would like us to contact you about your experience.

Am I eligible for enrolment?

I am eligible to enrol because I live in New Zealand and meet one of the following criteria:

  1. I am a New Zealand citizen OR
  2. I hold a resident visa or a permanent resident visa (or a residence permit if issued before December   2010) OR
  3. I am an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident AND able to show I have been in New Zealand or intend to stay in New Zealand for at least 2 consecutive years OR
  4. I have a work visa/permit and can show that I am able to be in New Zealand for at least 2 years (previous permits included).
  5. I am an interim visa holder who was eligible immediately before my interim visa started OR
  6. I am a refugee or protected person OR in the process of applying for, or appealing refugee or protection status, OR a victim or suspected victim of people trafficking OR
  7. I am under 18 or 19 years old and can demonstrate that, on the 15 April 2011, I was the dependant of an eligible work permit holder OR
  8. I am under 18 years and in the care and control of a parent/legal guardian/adopting parent who meets one criterion in clauses a-f above OR
  9. I am a NZ Aid Programme student studying in NZ and receiving Official Development Assistance funding (or their partner or child under 18 years old OR
  10. I am participating in the Ministry of Education Foreign Language Teaching Assistantship scheme OR
  11. I am a Commonwealth Scholarship holder studying in NZ and receiving funding from a New Zealand university under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Fund.

More information here.

How do I order repeat prescriptions?

Repeat prescriptions for Upper Hutt Health Centre patients can be ordered by:

Please allow two working days for the prescription to be processed. Payment is due on collection.

Please note that any urgent script ordered during afterhours will be charged at a higher fee and you will be advised when it will be ready.

Why can the Doctor be late and I can’t?

Cases can go over time as unexpected things may need to be dealt with.

If the patient is late, it can cause the rest of the consults to run late and this results in frustration for all.

What do I do if I cannot make my appointment?

Please contact us as soon as possible to reschedule. If you cancel within one hour of your appointment, you may still be charged.

What do I need if I’ve had an accident?

This will vary depending on the nature and severity of the accident. Minor accidents may not require a visit.

If significant and likely to require ongoing treatment, the accident needs to be registered with ACC for cover.

For more information on ACC, click here.

What am I entitled to under an ACC claim?

For information of what can and can’t be claimed through ACC, click here.

Is your centre accessible for the sight, speech or hearing impaired?

We accommodate sight, speech and hearing impaired patients. If you require any further assistance please contact us in advance of your appointment and we will do everything we can to help.

Does your site have sufficient access for wheelchairs?

Yes, we do. There are some wheelchairs available for use if required.

Can I change to another Doctor in the practice?

A patient can change to another doctor in the practice by emailing or calling the centre. If the doctor you would prefer to be registered with is able to take on more patients it is an easy process to change over.