Weight Loss

Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some forms of cancer. It can help ensure that your bones and joints are not under too much stress. Eating well, being active and getting enough quality sleep are key elements to help support a healthy weight, increase your energy levels, support mental health, and maintain activities of daily living.

Measuring weight – BMI calculator

BMI is a screening tool that can indicate whether a person is underweight or if they have a healthy weight, excess weight, or obesity. If a person’s BMI is outside of the healthy range, their health risks may increase significantly.

Use this link to calculate your BMI.

What affects your weight?

Being a healthy weight is about balancing energy intake (food and drinks) with energy expenditure (body requirements and physical activity).

However, there are many things that influence the amount and type of foods and drinks that you have, how your body responds to what you eat and how active you are.

If you have a health condition or disability talk to your doctor or clinician about the most suitable food, activity and weight management plan for your circumstances.

“Believe you can and you are halfway there.”

Theodore Roosevelt

Losing weight

Cut back on sugars and starches

The most important part is to cut back on sugars and starches (carbs). When you do that, your hunger levels go down and you end up eating much fewer calories. Now instead of burning carbs for energy, your body starts feeding off of stored fat.

Another benefit of cutting carbs is that it lowers insulin levels, causing your kidneys to shed excess sodium and water out of your body. This reduces bloat and unnecessary water weight.

Eat protein, fat and vegetables

Each one of your meals should include a protein source, a fat source and vegetables. Constructing your meals in this way will automatically bring your carb intake into the recommended range of 20–50 grams per day.

Protein Sources – Meat, fish and seafood and eggs.

Don’t be afraid to load your plate with vegetables.

A diet based mostly on protein and vegetables contains all the fiber, vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy.

Healthy fat sources include olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil. Don’t be afraid of eating healthy fats.

Eat 2–3 meals per day. If you find yourself hungry in the afternoon, add a 4th meal.

Drink plenty of water, cut out sugary drinks and alcohol

Fizzy drinks, juice and alcohol contain a lot of added sugar. Plain or sparkling water gives your body all the hydration it needs. If you struggle to drink plain water, add ice and some lemon or other fruit slices to brighten up the flavor.

Include resistance training in your routine

You don’t need to exercise to lose weight, but it is recommended.

By lifting weights, you will burn lots of calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight.

If lifting weights is not an option for you, then doing some cardio workouts like walking, jogging, running, cycling or swimming will suffice.

For more information on how to get and stay active, visit our health and fitness page here.